
We are expanding our team. Join us!

Helveticode is a young software development company founded by experienced engineers and programmers. We brought knowledge and experience from various industry fields in order to...


Our success at Sino-Swiss Business Incubator Competition in 2019 brought attention to our company and especially our #AI solution OptimAIzer. Based on our previous researches, we started...


We are expanding our development team ! Please check out the job description (in serbian) and feel free to apply. Job desrciption .Net developer

Back to fieldwork in IA

We went back to field work in domain of industrial automation. And people asked us it is safe or do we apply preventive actions such...

Our success at SSBICom 2019

We are very proud that #helveticode has won third price in sino-swiss business incubation competition SSBICom 2019 in Chongquing for our product #OptimAIzer . OptimAIzer...